Why Regent University?

I transferred into Regent University from a state school. My experience at Regent has been so different from a public school because the professionalism and value of Christian character that inspires people to excellence. I have received so much personal attention to my goals, I have no doubt this choice is a factor in my future career success.

Why Online Learning?

Online Learning is great because it is so convenient!
Click-in, click-out and class is over for the day. I have been able to save hours of my time while still being able to engage with the learning experience because of . I think online learning holds is large part of the future in education.

Why An English Degree?

Most people don't think of English as a bona-fide major. A
classmate once told me, "All we English majors do is study truth and beauty all day." I could not agree more. As an English major, I have been able to critically think and determine truth and beauty.

Thursday, December 31, 2009


So it is New Years Eve and I am stuck in Nashville. Eww... this was not what I had planned at all.....

They are taking us to Baltimore now? What? I think the fog should clear.

It actually makes absolutely no sense that they are taking us to Baltimore. I think they just want to waste gas in the plane and make everyone in this enormous room move (with their children in hand) over towards another door. Instead of moving with the massive herd of agitated passengers, I am getting on Facebook.

The Nashville airport reminds me of the Los Angeles airport, except I don't feel like I am going to get mugged or have my purse stolen. It sort of reminds me of the Hong Kong airport too, but that is mostly because when I left Hong Kong, the terminal looked alot like the terminal I am in right now.

And I will be 22 in five hours. 21 was good.

Hmmm....Happy New Years:)

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