Why Regent University?

I transferred into Regent University from a state school. My experience at Regent has been so different from a public school because the professionalism and value of Christian character that inspires people to excellence. I have received so much personal attention to my goals, I have no doubt this choice is a factor in my future career success.

Why Online Learning?

Online Learning is great because it is so convenient!
Click-in, click-out and class is over for the day. I have been able to save hours of my time while still being able to engage with the learning experience because of . I think online learning holds is large part of the future in education.

Why An English Degree?

Most people don't think of English as a bona-fide major. A
classmate once told me, "All we English majors do is study truth and beauty all day." I could not agree more. As an English major, I have been able to critically think and determine truth and beauty.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Lady's Night Regent Style

Meet Dr. A.

Excuse me, Dr. Attanasi, Associate Professor of Religion and Philosophy in Regent's Undergraduate Religious Studies program, for those who like ornate titles.

Dr. A is on the left-hand side of the table, one person away from the wall. Just to be vain and let everyone know, I am the one sitting directly to Dr. A's left (which would technically be her right) in the white sweater.

The female students who have had Dr. A in class were all invited to dinner at CiCi's Pizza, off of Kempsville Road and Centerville Turnpike and this night was ladies night. There was no particular reason for the event, just for some good conversation outside of Regent's own four walls. We discussed future plans, academics, everyone held the baby in the stroller and ate as much pizza as an all-you-can eat buffet will supply for just over $7.

Girls from all academic studies attended, anything from English to Communications to Religion majors attended. I might add it was a good night of discussion and fellowship and good food! Good food seems to accompany all good Regent Events. It is nice when you are a broke and starving college student.

Dr. Attanasi is a Harvard grad finished her Ph. D. at Vanderbuilt University in Tennessee. She has travelled extensively and spent one year working as a journalist. I think this explains why I enjoyed her teaching style so much, I can identify with her stress on strict observations from the texts we would read. Learning (and good journalism) is all about learning to observe, and in Dr. A's class observations of all kinds were welcome.

It was a good night and I think just about everyone in the picture could agree.

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