Why Regent University?

I transferred into Regent University from a state school. My experience at Regent has been so different from a public school because the professionalism and value of Christian character that inspires people to excellence. I have received so much personal attention to my goals, I have no doubt this choice is a factor in my future career success.

Why Online Learning?

Online Learning is great because it is so convenient!
Click-in, click-out and class is over for the day. I have been able to save hours of my time while still being able to engage with the learning experience because of . I think online learning holds is large part of the future in education.

Why An English Degree?

Most people don't think of English as a bona-fide major. A
classmate once told me, "All we English majors do is study truth and beauty all day." I could not agree more. As an English major, I have been able to critically think and determine truth and beauty.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Things They Don't Say in Orientation

I am already beginning to hear whispers around my classrooms. Its about the time when school gets tough and the sound of tears from the room over are not rare. The first year students are missing home…alot. The work load is starting to pile up as the realities of college life set in for all students. Here are five things that helped me get through freshman year and my years as a transfer student that they don't tell you in orientation:

1. Give it Time. Many freshman students leave after the first two weeks. Then some leave at Christmas. College life is a huge adjustment that can take up to a year to be comfortable with. When home-sickness is strong, reach out to others. The best places I have found to meet people are the laundry room, the fitness center, class, clubs and through just being a charming and out-going individual not afraid to shake a hand or smile. Friendships will come. Whatever you do, get your mind off of the fact that this huge life-change has thrown your life into a frenzy. Part of college is learning to be outward and intentional about social life. Its ok to take a time to adjust. In the long-term, you won’t regret it.

2. Decorate Your Room. If where you are living does not feel like home, it is likely that you won’t stay there. Try putting up some posters, or my personal favorite – curtains. The little things like funky cups, homey blankets, sweet smelling scents make a world of difference to how comfortable you feel. Its worth the splurge at Target or Walmart to make sure that you feel at home and are living in an environment that is comfortable enough to allow focus to be on studies.

3. Reward Yourself. College studies are grueling. They possibly equate to the most reading you will ever do in your life. According to the book Light on the Path, an undergraduate student typically reads as many as 150 pages every week or more! When the week is over and you have finally finished all the reading, discussion posts and papers, don’t forget to reward yourself. It can mean buying a candy bar the size of your arm or planning the world’s largest all-floor sleepover in the hallway. Just don’t forget that you matter and taking care of you is as important as reading is to college success.

4. Buy Good Food. Ultimately we are what we eat. If you fill your stomach with sugar and processed food, it will make the brain foggy and confused. If you fill it with foods that are part of a balanced diet, it will provide for more energy and mental function. If you are having trouble studying, try cutting out sugar, it will change how you feel. Good food is worth the splurge at the grocery store. Sugar will always be a staple in the college student’s diet but don’t forget about fruits and veggies, meats and dairy. It will make a world of difference.

5. Visit the Profs. Professors can seem so intelligent and intimidating even though they are paid to help students. When a professor holds office hours, don’t hesitate to visit. If you need help with an area in the class, go seek advice. Go and talk to them about why they chose to be a professor and what super-cool reason led them to Regent. This is supposedly the nation’s pre-eminent Christian university. The professors here did not come because no one else was hiring. College professors have great stories too. You never know, it could turn out to be a smart networking move for your future.

I hope these all help. They helped me. Best of luck this week J

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