Why Regent University?

I transferred into Regent University from a state school. My experience at Regent has been so different from a public school because the professionalism and value of Christian character that inspires people to excellence. I have received so much personal attention to my goals, I have no doubt this choice is a factor in my future career success.

Why Online Learning?

Online Learning is great because it is so convenient!
Click-in, click-out and class is over for the day. I have been able to save hours of my time while still being able to engage with the learning experience because of . I think online learning holds is large part of the future in education.

Why An English Degree?

Most people don't think of English as a bona-fide major. A
classmate once told me, "All we English majors do is study truth and beauty all day." I could not agree more. As an English major, I have been able to critically think and determine truth and beauty.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hello World!

I am stunned by how beautiful Virginia Beach is! Just a few weeks ago I made the 1800 mile voyage from Denver, Colorado over cities and plains to move to little, sea-level Virginia Beach to pursue a undergraduate degree in English at Regent University. People seem to catch onto the fact that I am a "Denverite" quickly. This is probably because of how much I stop to take a picture every time I see the beach or a Shoney’s.

I came to Regent University because of two things - God and writing. I started off college in public university where I quickly learned that if I wanted to write formally, and be communicating information with impact, it was important that I put myself in a position of opportunity. What is a position of opportunity? It is where there is the most possibility for good things to happen to you. Regent is a position of opportunity.

My second reason for coming to Regent was to find a someone to marry then become fruitful and multiply. That was a joke. I have to make sure we all have a good sense of humor here. There is a underground Christian motto about Christian colleges, the age old proverb, “Ring before senior spring or your money back.” I do not consider that to be something Regent Students start planning at freshman orientation. The mantras here are more like, “If I make it to Senior spring, I will have survived and will meet Pat Robertson at graduation!” Who doesn't want to meet the affectionate "P.Rob" as they call him here? I do.

Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. My name is Julie and I hope to be blogging generally about my impressions of Regent, my personal college experience and the suprises about Regent they don't tell on the website. All of this will be seasoned with a little bit of sarcasm of course. So its nice to meet you. Please feel free to leave me comments.


  1. Thanks for sharing! What kind of writing do you do?

  2. I do academic, creative and journalistic writing. Just about anything.

  3. That's awesome! I look forward to reading more.

    Jeremy :-)
