Why Regent University?

I transferred into Regent University from a state school. My experience at Regent has been so different from a public school because the professionalism and value of Christian character that inspires people to excellence. I have received so much personal attention to my goals, I have no doubt this choice is a factor in my future career success.

Why Online Learning?

Online Learning is great because it is so convenient!
Click-in, click-out and class is over for the day. I have been able to save hours of my time while still being able to engage with the learning experience because of . I think online learning holds is large part of the future in education.

Why An English Degree?

Most people don't think of English as a bona-fide major. A
classmate once told me, "All we English majors do is study truth and beauty all day." I could not agree more. As an English major, I have been able to critically think and determine truth and beauty.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

"I Don't Know What I Want To Do"

I am hearing it all over campus from various different people in various different studies.

“I don’t know what I want to do.”

College has a way of pressurizing people. I think somewhere along the line we all thought that we were supposed to know what we want to do. Like knowing what you want to do for the next 50 years when you are eighteen years old is a normal thing.

I don’t think it is normal. I don’t think it is normal one bit. When I first started college as an 19 year old, I applied to Regent Undergrad as a psychology major. After being accepted and rejecting the acceptance, I reopened the application two years later as an English major.

Will I be reading books, analyzing philosophy and writing essays two years from now? Maybe. Is it more likely that I will be doing something completely different than I ever thought? Absolutely. Sometimes the open-ended, answer-less questions in our lives like What do I want to do with my life? Are the ones that leave the most room for God to work.

If you don’t know what you want to do with your life, wait. Give it time. These things come to us. After all, its not like your parents are still wallowing in front of the television with a bowl of popcorn, a nose ring and 4-5 friends saying I don’t know what I want to do with my life.

These things have a way of working themselves out.


  1. Hahah- I know... so just do a major that will help you in whatever you decide to do so you got all the basis covered! So are you doing classes online while living on campus?

  2. Hi Amanda,

    I am an on-campus student living the undergrad life in the Commons. (it is actually the nicest dorm I have ever been in) so at least I have somewhere pretty to live while I figure out life's meaning, right?

  3. I love this blog! I agree with you about how people say that they "never know what they are going to do". These are usually, and no offense to them, but younger folk fresh out of high school who has left mom and dad's house for the first time. But yeah, I agree with you about how they need to give it some time.

    As I grow older, I can only say that "I don't know for sure where God is taking me, but I do know where He has brought me so far along this journey....and it has been amazing!"

    ~ Jer
